ICSTOR games collection [Completed]

We present to you a collection of games from the popular author in the genre of erotic simulations ICSTOR. All games included in the collection are fully completed and will not be updated, so you will have the opportunity to go through beautiful erotic stories and experience a storm of sexual emotions. Busty beauties for you to make any of your fantasies come true! ICSTOR games collection for you!

Cure My Addiction [Completed]

One day my parents found out that I was spending a little too much time watching porn. They considered this a serious problem and decided to do something about it. Let’s not mince words, it was an addiction in their minds. Finally, they came to the conclusion that I needed a change of scenery and made me leave the house! I was sent alone on Uncle’s yacht without a phone, TV or even a computer. This was their plan to “Cure My Addiction”. I wasn’t sure what to make of the situation at first. But soon I discovered that only women were on board!

Harem Highlander [Episode 3.0B]

Harem Highlander – follow the adventures of Chad Wolfe, a mighty and strong man, in his own mind at least, as he defends his loved ones from the depredations and lust of other men! Can you navigate the situations that come up and help Chad get the girls?

My Sister, My Roommate [Completed]

The protagonist game My Sister, My Roommate is named Taylor, a college student and still a virgin. You live in a hostel in the same room with your sister, who is trying in every possible way to help you in communicating with the ladies. Her classmates are not averse to pampering with you. So who will be your first sex partner?

Визит [v.1.0 final]

История о молодом человеке, который возвращается в дом, в котором он вырос, после обучения в колледже. Следуйте за главным героем, поскольку он попадает во множество различных сексуальных ситуаций…

Timestamps: Lost Love [Release]

Timestamps: Lost Love second chapter of the game. You’re a college student who’s lustful desires have caused you to make horrible mistakes. But lucky for you, your best friend has found a way to manipulate time… You have the chance to go back and fix some of your mistakes… Will you correct the things in the past to make your life better or will you make it worse. You can make new decisions follow new paths try to get everything you desire or you just might continue to fuck things up… The only good thing is time is on your side. There are so many paths to follow… Will you help them make the good choices?

Академия Вайфу [v.0.9.0a]

Действия представленного эротического симулятора происходят в частной школе под названием «Академия Сазаки». Главного героя, пережившего года испытаний, терзает непреодолимое желание отомстить своим обидчикам… А их много, в игре более тридцати уникальных персонажей, которых вы будете регулярно “наказывать”!

Flirty F [v.1.0 completed]

Sex game Flirty F from developer Oppai Comics. Everything was going fine, you were living a very leisurely life – working out and playing games with your online friend Kat and childhood friend Julia, but when two new housemates moved in it all changed. However it seems fate favors you, because now you are surrounded by hot women… and Arnold…

Моя новая жизнь: Переделка [v.0.84.6]

Моя новая жизнь: Переделка – вы возьмете на себя роль молодого человека живущего в самых жарких ситуациях. От самых случайных до напряженных свиданий с сексуальными девушками. Моя новая жизнь REVAMP!

Picture Perfect [v.1.0]

In the game Picture Perfect photographer lives with three young women – 18 year-old, Miracle who is so shy and introverted she won’t leave the house without him, 20 year-old, Sasha who dreams of starring on Broadway, and 22 year-old, Paris who dropped out of college to mooch off him once more. Ever since the girls’ mother abandoned them several years ago, our middle-aged MC has had a tough time managing everything, to say the least. He’s in danger of losing the house, though he keeps it a secret from the trio of girls.