Lord of Imagination [Chapter 4.5]

Sex game Lord of Imagination from AgentGames. Your life hasn’t been a success since you left the high school. You are bouncing from one work to another trying to make some money, you don’t have a lot of friends and you are generally pretty sad with how things turned out, but you are trying your best to make something out of it. At least you have a supportive girlfriend which you are glad about. You wonder what would happen if you had the power to make all the wishes come true… And there comes an opportunity, but at what cost? Will you do what it takes to fulfill your dreams or fight it to save your family? Remember, in this story decisions matter.

Acadia University [v.1.0]

You have recently been accepted into Acadia University, a prestigious all-male school known for its stellar education system. The school is highly exclusive with a worldwide reputation, just getting accepted is a prestigious accomplishment! Graduates go on to great things and become influential members of society.

Студенческая жизнь [v.0.3.7 full]

Из названия понятно вокруг чего вращается история игры Студенческая жизнь. Студенческие будни, пышногрудые сокурсницы и не менее соблазнительные училки! Вам предоставляются практически не ограниченные сексуальные возможности. О, да!

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston [Part 3 v.2.2]

The idea behind my novel The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston is that after the incident in the introduction, you return home to your wife and step-daughter, and are reassigned to a cushty job whilst recovering. This job will be working as a School Resource Officer, but as you are recovering and not allowed on active duty, you take on the role of step-in Gym Teacher for a group of 18+ girls who all failed to graduate the prior year. You’ll have the options of focusing on your career, family or sex life. Different scenarios and scenes will be available depending on your choices.

Nerd Adventure [Episode 2 Day 3]

In Nerd Adventure, you play the role of a chemistry loving ‘nerd’, with your very own chemistry set, which you will use to make recipes that can be used to improve yourself, or your life as a whole. Your family consists of yourself, living with your single mother, and sister in a modern medium-sized house just outside of the city.

Супер мощный [v.0.41.01]

SuperPowered – игра RPG, сделанная на движке Ren’py. В игре вы играете за молодого человека по имени Билли, живущего с мамой. В самом начале игры Мэгги, его мать, покупает Билли его первую сверхсилу. Поскольку с деньгами напряг, у него нет выбора и он получает рентгеновское зрение. Прежде чем начать процесс, медсестра, которая собирается сделать ему укол, должна проверить его, совместим ли он. Как оказалось, да, но есть ещё кое-что. В отличие от большинства людей, которые могут получить ограниченное количество этих уколов, Билли, обладает способностью поглощать неограниченное их количество. Благодаря этому он может стать самым могущественным из всех людей, но для достижения такого уровня власти он должен быть осторожным. В мире, где почти каждый может покупать полномочия, любой может быть потенциальной угрозой…

Mother Load [v.0.12b]

Sex game with beautiful milfs – Mother Load. A promising young athlete, you suffer an injury that forces you and the women in your life to move to a new city. Burdened by medical debt and needing to find a new way to get into college, you’ve got a lot on your plate! But you also could have died! Instead you have a second chance at life, so why not enjoy it, in ways you would not have imagined before?

Strange Nights [v.0.7]

Strange Nights is a free adult Visual Novel game in development, based on Life is Strange. You assume the role of Mark Jefferson, a photography teacher at Blackwell Academy who acquires some unnatural powers that let him change the fate of others and himself.

Chloe18 – Back To Class [FREE FULL VERSION]

Sex game Chloe18 – Back To Class from GDS. Finally Chloe is getting back to her Student life, and for that I set a huge Poll for all my patrons so they could decide on this new Story-line. What was Chosen?​

Schooling / Учеба в школе [v.0.8]

Schooling – эта игра о парне, который живёт нормальной жизнью, как в школе так и за ее пределами, но попадает в разные ситуации и пытается решить их. Множество девушек и мамочек сводят его с ума и особенно странная соседка…