Babysitter [v.0.2.2b Full Release Completed]

You will play the role of a freelance programmer whose career is not as successful as expected. You are currently desperately looking for a client to buy special software that you have been working on for a while and hope that it will make you rich. Meanwhile, your sister is arguing with her daughter whether she will go to college or not. This argument ends with your niece in your apartment free. And she is currently looking for a job instead of going to college and being independent. This is how your story begins in the adult visual novel Babysitter.

The Gift Reloaded [v.0.08b Fix]

Вы обычный парень, живете дома с матерью и сестрой, боретесь за жизнь. Но однажды, по счастливой случайности, вы найдете наркотик для контроля над разумом, который кардинально изменит вашу жизнь! Отныне вы можете влиять на умы всех, кто вас окружает, и вы будете использовать эту способность, чтобы воплотить в жизнь ваши самые пошлые фантазии!