– added 2 scenes of having sex with Lisa in her room
– added 2 scenes of having sex with Lisa in the bathroom
– added 2 hot scenes with Lisa in her room
– added 1 hot scene with Lisa in the bathroom
– added 2 new hot scenes with Lisa in the bathroom (each scene has 3 different animations)
– added 1 new hot scene with Lisa in her room
– Added 9 scenes of player using magic spells on Lisa. Now you can use all of your magic spells on Lisa in her room.
Scenes and new content:
– Added 5 hot scenes with Lisa in her room in the back side of the library (take off panties, touch her butt, touch her tits, touch her pussy, handjob)
– Added 2 scenes with Lisa in the bathroom (the one where you accidently break in and see her naked while she’s taking a shower, and the other one where you accidently break in and see her wrapped in a towel after she had taken a shower)
– Added 2 options with Lisa in the bathroom if she’s wearing a towel: you can make her lower the towel and show her breasts, or drop the towel and show her naked body.
– Added 6 sets of conversation patterns while Lisa complying or refusing to player’s request (comply to touch request, comply to strip request, comply to sexual favor request, refuse to touch request, refuse to strip request, refuse to sexual favor request). They make the conversations more diverse and less boring.
Art and animations:
– Lisa’s sprite was replaced with a new one (better pose, breathing animation).
– Lisa’s previous 9 hot scenes got some improved files of emotions, fixed some files of clothes, got new backgrounds.
– Totally new art for the scene of player hypnotizing Lisa while she’s sleeping on her bed. It was fully redrawn from scratch.
Locations remade:
– New backgrounds for the bathroom (for player’s scenes, for Emma’s scenes, for Kelly’s scenes as well)
– New backgrounds for the library.
– New backgrounds for Lisa’s room in the back area of the library (including all her hot scenes).