Seven Deadly Sins [Episode 1]

Seven Deadly Sins… Your family bonds… All shattered. A man, who grew up in an orphanage, and success after success. You fought all alone all this time. You never gave up! You CAN NOT give up! You will make crucial decisions which will change your life, but you will NOT give up! Joseph’s life will change alot after the college. He will end up in a “rubicon”. You will meet new people, discover new places, and will find yourself in different occasions. You will have to fight from now on as you did before. And don’t forget, YOU ARE IN A RUBICON. You will either push forward, or you will be shattered.

The Engagement [Completed]

«Помолвка» – это история Макса и окружающих его людей. Макс в командировке с Сьюзи, подружкой его лучшего друга. У него есть шанс заполучить эту девушку. Но так же он может потерять свою нынешнюю подругу, Эмили. Каждое решение имеет свой результат. Будут ли все девушки Макса или не будет ни одной? Это все зависит от тебя…

The Engagement [v.2.5.1 Completed]

The Engagement is about the story of Maxx and people around him. Maxx is on a business trip with Suzie (his best friend’s girlfriend). He has the chance to have this girl for himself. But as well as he may lose his current girlfriend, Emily. Each decision makes a different outcome. Can Maxx have all the girls or no girl? It’s all your decisions.

Timestamps, Unconditional Love [v.1.0PE P1]

Timestamps, Unconditional Love секс игра с элементами фантастики. Главный герой студент колледжа, вашу жизнь переполняют похоть и разврат, которые привели к множеству ошибок. Но вам повезло, лучший друг нашел способ манипулировать временем, появляется шанс навести порядок в отношениях. Сможете ли все исправить или продолжите трахать все, что движется решать вам! Вы управляете временем!

Vengeance [Chapter 3]

In Vengeance, you play as a male protagonist. You come back to your homeland USA from Hong Kong for peace and good fortune but due to unfortunate circumstances, you come to discover that something is deeply wrong with your Mom’s friend and things around her. Danger is close by.

View of Family [v.0.1.4]

«View of family» – вас ждут невероятные приключения. Вы примете роль обычного 21-летнего парня, который живет нормальной жизнью и работает инструктором. Он живет со своей сестрой Николь и его матерью Эмили. Помогите ему соблазнить всех женщин в этой игре!..

View of Family [v.0.1.4]

“View of family” is a pov, rpg game with some kind of open world… in perspective. A lot of quests will allow you to put yourself in this incredible adventures. You’ll assume the role of a ordinary 21 year guy… who lives a normal life and working as tutor. He lives with his sister Nicole and his mother Emily. Help him to seduce all women in this game!​

Deep Impact [v.1.0]

After your dad cheated on your mom she decides to take you and your sisters back to her hometown. As the normal student you are you have to visit school and soon get into all kinda trouble including money problems and getting involved with the mafia.

Timestamps, Unconditional Love [v.1.1 SE Completed]

You’re a college student who’s lustful desires have caused you to make horrible mistakes. But lucky for you, your best friend has found a way to manipulate time… Timestamps, Unconditional Love – you have the chance to go back and fix some of your mistakes… Will you correct the things in the past to make your life better or will you make it worse. You can make new decisions follow new paths try to get everything you desire or you just might continue to fuck things up… The only good thing is time is on your side. There are so many paths to follow… Will you help them make the good choices?

Luke and Lucy [Ep. 2 v.0.4]

Luke and Lucy is an adult visual novel, that would mostly fit into melodrama / drama genres. The story is about a deeply broken family, that never actually had the chance to become a family. Painful situations, hard decisions, seemingly dead-end roads – this is just a small part of what Luke and Lucy is / will be about. Despite its depressing introduction, the fate of the main characters will be filled with beautiful moments and memorable, pleasant events. My goal is to give a deeper meaning to the characters, their words and actions.​