Luke and Lucy [Ep. 2 v.0.4]

Luke and Lucy is an adult visual novel, that would mostly fit into melodrama / drama genres. The story is about a deeply broken family, that never actually had the chance to become a family. Painful situations, hard decisions, seemingly dead-end roads – this is just a small part of what Luke and Lucy is / will be about. Despite its depressing introduction, the fate of the main characters will be filled with beautiful moments and memorable, pleasant events. My goal is to give a deeper meaning to the characters, their words and actions.​

Teenage Dirtbag [v.0.5 Final]

Zayne is a university student. He lives with his mother in rented apartment. He doesn’t have any money and barely any friends. He has a crush for Lana hottest girl in school. He also has to survive bully who tortures him daily. Fallow Zayne and people he meets in his new school year. This visual novel will focus on personalities and characters as much as the sex scenes.

Under House Arrest [v.0.6R]

Это случилось почти 4 года назад. Трагическая ночь, которая навсегда изменила вашу жизнь. Поскольку вы были еще несовершеннолетним, вас забрали и поместили в учреждение для оценки вашего психического здоровья. Спустя почти 4 года вы наконец возвращаетесь домой. Ваши воспоминания туманны, люди вокруг вас кажутся загадочными и обманчивыми в своих воспоминаниях о событиях. Что действительно случилось той ночью?

Full Stride [Ch. 4]

In Full Stride, you assume the role of a university graduate who’s had a recent streak of bad luck — you broke up with your first love before graduation, and you’ve been jobless ever since. Fortunately, a random encounter with an old friend at the gym has lead to a job interview, and you’ve dedicated the rest of your summer preparing for it.

Bully [Ch. 5]

Ты помолвлен с любовью своей жизни, Тиффани. Тифф заинтересовалася новым школьным клубом, BNWO – черный новый мировой порядок. Их мировоззрения очень совпадают с ее собственными. Тифф – особенная девушка, и нет ничего лучше, чем отправиться в приключение в этот новый мир…

My Girlfriend [Final]

How did you get into this situation, is all you can think as you stare at the shocked girl in front of you, having blurted out your confession to the girl of your dreams, the school idol and valedictorian. And then even more shocking is when she responds with a Yes. And so begins your time as the most infamous person on campus, dating the school idol.​