Clockwork Poison [v.1.0.1 Completed]

Clockwork Poison is a sandbox project that features real scenes with real models, enveloped in a truly rich plot, full of adventures, joy, anger, misery, victories, defeats, revenge and, above all, passion and lust. You play as the only male survivor to a chemical attack over your town, and will have to disover what and who caused the disaster and, eventually, escape the town.

Unleashed [v.0.6b2]

Unleashed is a slice-of-life Visual Novel designed to play around with your expectations. You, the male main character, are on your way to your first year in college. An early fire at the dorms has left the student body scrambling to find alternative housing. Luckily, your father is old friends with a local mother and her two daughters, and she was kind enough to offer you a room.

Cartel Mom [v.0.5]

The sex game Cartel Mom by developer IndianaTK. For the past five years you and your older sister have been living with your aunt in a different country. In those five years you have not heard or seen anything of your mother until now. One day while out for dinner with your sister, auntie and cousins you are attacked badly by a group of thugs. Following this event a huge amount of cartel soldiers have come to your city. It is only now that you learn the truth about your mother. That she is the leader of the biggest cartel in the world.

Unexpected [v.0.5]

DELTA company has worked for years on a project that will make human life eternal. It promised to prevent people from dying biologically and to automatically repair organs that lost their function, at worst by replacing them with mechanized accents, making human life eternal. As a result, humanity would acquire a new dimension. But in this process, you betrayed the owner of the project, the most powerful and wealthy man in the city, and the company that aims to establish a new order in the world. And this man is your very own father, whom you hate… Why did you betray? Has your betrayal been successful? So why didn’t you allow it when humanity was going to gain a new dimension? You will get answers to all these questions by playing the erotic game Unexpected!

How it all Began [v.1.2]

Matthew has always been someone that goes for what he wants til he decides he wants more than he’s been getting see how far he goes til he is finally satisfied.

Master of the Earth: Reborn [v.1.0 completed]

Welcome to Carta Town. Nine years ago at the age of fourteen you unlocked a strange magical ability that allowed you to do as you like. Giving a young man powers such as that is simply a recipe for disaster. Your powers led you to accidentally kill an innocent woman. The town’s witches banded together to capture and trap you within a magical house far away from civilization. After nine years of studying magic every day you finally master your magic and break free from the magical shackles. Now it is time for you to get your revenge. This game features a unique magic system with several spells to help you in your conquest. Master of the Earth: Reborn – jump into a magical world full of trickery, adventures and sex!

Летняя Сага [v.0.20.16]

После того, как его отец умер оставив свою семью, его смерть была подозрительной и полиция расследовала дело убийства. Кроме того, отец повесил на семью огромный долг от криминальных личностей. Теперь главный герой должен как заботиться о семье, так и найти людей, которые убили его отца, оплатить колледж и найти девушку для выпускного вечера.

Город сломленных мечтателей [v.1.12.1]

Город Сломленных Мечтателей / City of Broken Dreamers от PhillyGames. Лос-Анджелес, 2042 год. Городом правят корпорации, местная элита. Город, олицетворяющий Американскою Мечту. Миллионы людей живут в блаженном неведении об излишествах богатых и деградации бедных. Руководители обладают большей властью чем политики, полиция – меньшей чем корпоративные наемники. Вы один из таких наемников, один из лучших. Элитный эшелон наемников называют Призраками… Ты был без работы несколько месяцев, но ситуация скоро изменится. В другой части города молодая девушка станет центром конфликта, который может разорвать город на части. Пока ты будешь разыскивать ее, у тебя появятся союзники и враги, такие же как ты, которые использовались городом а затем выплевывались. Кому ты будешь доверять? У каждого свои мечты, свои мотивы, каждый сломлен по-своему. Все это сойдется воедино в городе сломленных мечтателей…