No More Secrets [Episode 1-11 Completed]

Sex game No More Secrets from RoyalCandy. The whole thing began a few years ago when Brian’s mom died of lung cancer. He didn’t know about her situation because she and Phill, his father, kept it a secret. After a few months his dad, secretly dated another woman, called Jeane. which now is his stepmother. Since then Brian did a lot of bad choices in life, but the last bad choices he did got him in a hospital overdoes on cocaine. That was the point where he and his father made a deal. Brian was going to do a rehab session and be a good son, while his father promised him that he won’t keep any secrets from him. The main purpose of the player will be to find what everybody hides.
Added modded android version and German translation!

Летняя Сага [v.0.20.16]

После того, как его отец умер оставив свою семью, его смерть была подозрительной и полиция расследовала дело убийства. Кроме того, отец повесил на семью огромный долг от криминальных личностей. Теперь главный герой должен как заботиться о семье, так и найти людей, которые убили его отца, оплатить колледж и найти девушку для выпускного вечера.

My Sweet Neighbors [v.0.12 Full]

Sex game My Sweet Neighbors by developer Pandelo. Тебе 30 лет, ты богат и успешен. Хочется чего то новенького и смена места жительства именно то, что нужно. Новая квартира и новые соседи, а вернее прекрасные соседки полностью перевернут вашу жизнь. Как будут развиватся ваши отношения, удастся ли сорвать джек пот в виде бурной групповушки, все зависит от вас!

Анна – возбуждающая привязанность [Chapter 2 v.0.951]

Вы будете играть за красотку Анну, которая будет делать абсолютно всё, что вы ей позволите. Будет главная сюжетная линия с различными результатами в зависимости от вашего выбора, а также множество побочных заданий. Помните это виртуальный мир, здесь никто не осудит за непристойное поведение!..

Being A DIK Russian Edition [Interlude]

Молодой человек из малообеспеченной семьи уезжает от своего овдовевшего отца и его летней любви учиться в колледже в Burgmeister and Royce. Когда его бросят в жизнь новичка и убедят присоединиться к грядущему братству Дельта Йота Каппа, он столкнется с новым миром, наполненным конфликтами, алкоголем, наркотиками и сексом.

Bastard Girls R [v.2.3 Full]

Bastard Girls R – sex game from developer Leocid2. You are an ordinary young man, your father dies in an automobile accident and your mother died when you were born, so they take you to an orphanage until you reach the age of majority. But one day you receive a mysterious letter inviting you to study in a private school. When you arrive at the Island, you realize that nothing of what you consider normal, is not so much anymore.​
Added actual russian version!

Serena: Dark confessions [v.Final]

Sex game Serena: Dark confessions by Lesson of Passion! Julian and Serena, a happy couple, engaged and soon to be married, ready for a picture-perfect ever after. It was a heartwarming tale of clumsy mistakes flowering into solid romance and the promise of something greater. But promises can be broken, and this one was shattered by Julian, who strayed from his fiancée, and by Nicole, Serena’s best friend, who took her husband to be. And Serena left, and Julian drifted.

Hot Wife Tara [Completed]

Sex game Hot Wife Tara by Lesson of Passion! After many years of being faithful to one another in marriage, Harry’s wife Tara decided for her birthday to undertake the darkest and yet most fantasized scenario every married man envisions, a threesome. For months, she talked about and planned and even had a candidate, her friend Ruby. She does not know that the two are married, and that’s how she wants him to act, he walks in, pretends not to know Tara, and attempts to win her and her friend over with his charm and sexual bravado. But even the most well-made plans can have snags, for if Harry fails, there are plenty of others in the bar that night who may be up to the task.

My Cute Roommate [v.1.6.13 Extra Completed]

School days are over, it’s time to plunge headlong into student days full of drive and debauchery. Your main character is going to go to college, but not alone. The once fat and nondescript cousin, whom you have not seen since childhood, will keep you company. But her current appearance will be a surprise for you! Adult life, beauties, days and nights of hot sex, that’s what awaits you in this erotic simulator My Cute Roommate!

Chloe 18 Fake Family [v.69.2.01]

Chloe18 Back to Class stopped when Chloe Needed To make everyone Think That she isn’t that much of a slut herself, and Taylor is worse. Take the Part of Trevis, He tried to be a criminal to impress a girl, and failed terribly. Now with the help of Chloe, Trevis will pretend to be Taylor’s Brother. What at first it seems like a good place to hide, now while pretending to be her Brother you need corrupt Taylor and her whole family. Chloe 18 Fake Family – enjoy chloe18’s world from another angle, With the hot and realist girls you know and like.