Timestamps: Lost Love [Release]

Timestamps: Lost Love second chapter of the game. You’re a college student who’s lustful desires have caused you to make horrible mistakes. But lucky for you, your best friend has found a way to manipulate time… You have the chance to go back and fix some of your mistakes… Will you correct the things in the past to make your life better or will you make it worse. You can make new decisions follow new paths try to get everything you desire or you just might continue to fuck things up… The only good thing is time is on your side. There are so many paths to follow… Will you help them make the good choices?

Tangled Up [v.11 Completed]

Tangled Up is an erotic simulator that will tell the story of a brother and sister. Someone might say trite, classic, but the author managed to surprise. You are alone in your mansion. Sis is a real nerd and you, out of pure motives, are trying to awaken her, to show that life is full of colors and much more from the category of 18+. You involuntarily begins to cross the line!

Pine Falls [Part 1-2 completed]

You are a successful writer and you decided to get away from the city for a while to clear your mind and regain your inspiration. While on your way to visit a few smaller towns you have a strange accident that you can’t really explain and that’s how you end up in a small town called Pine Falls. Here is where you meet Alice, Mia and Grace among others and they all tell you a strange story about how a few years ago people there started to vanish, mostly the men leaving only a few behind. On top of that they tell you that you can’t leave town because when you try you come back on the other side and that there’s something strange happening outside during the night. Of course you can’t believe these delusions but maybe they are true…​
Added compressed version and Walkthrough Mod!

Olivia, Ellie & Paul [v.1.0]

Sex game Olivia Ellie and Paul by Lesson of Passion! Olivia is a wild child and sticks to the motto: “try everything, regret nothing.” Thus far it has worked out pretty well for her. She has been in relationships – plenty in her opinion, but none that she would consider serious. Until she meet Paul, that is, her close friend and colleague from work who she hit it off with. Let’s talk about Olivia’s life long friend, Ellie, who just recently called Olivia, crying and stuttering incoherently. Olivia could only make out the words “cheating” and “breakup”. Olivia was able connect the dots. She offered a sympathetic ear and a place for Ellie to crash for the night.

Eleanor 3: Violet Aster [v.1.0.2]

The new expansion from Lesson of Passion, dubbed Eleanor 3: Violet Aster. It would include more scenes with Amber, Paige, Kevin, and re-introducing Didi, Angel, and Devil into the world of Eleanor. You’re in command here, so, according to your actions, Eleanor will become their best friend or take off her panties in front of them, exposing her wet cunt while awaiting their rough touch!

Provincial / Провинциалка [v.1.3.5 Dev Fix 3]

Игра Provincial представляет собой эротический симулятор, героиней которого выступит молоденькая девушка из маленького городка близ мегаполиса. Жизнь скучна, а огни большого города настойчиво манят… Но сперва надо выучиться, а там уже и жизнь устраивать. В процессе игры вы вольны делать со своей героиней что угодно. Можно быть паинькой и строить карьеру и окружающих, а можно и пуститься во все тяжкие… Всё зависит от вашего желания!..

Man of The House [v.1.02c Extra completed]

In this game Man of The House you will act as a young guy who lives in a city filled with gorgeous women! Each hero has their own storyline and you decide when and where you want to explore and which girl you want to pursue!
Added Full CGRip!

Pledge: Naughty Sorority Girls [Final]

Pledge: Naughty Sorority Girls is a relationship simulator where you manage your time in order to not only boost your personal stats but also interact with other characters. You got 30 days to achieve your goals and it’s up to you which path you’ll choose. For instance, you may focus on your sweet boyfriend and spend all your time with him, getting access to spicy interactions with him or… try to discover something different and hang out with your female roommate and test if you’re into girls. But that’s only a beginning.

Желанные сны [Episode 1-12 v.1.0.3 patched]

Главный герой игры Dreams of Desire, живет со своими родителями и двумя сестрами, жизнь течет своей чередой. И все бы ничего, но отец военный и скоро возвращается домой, чтобы отправить вас в армейскую школу. Такой ход событий главному герою совсем не по душе, ведь у вас были другие планы на будущее… Дабы избежать подготовленной участи нужно срочно менять ход своей жизни, но как вы это сделаете?..

Lexi [Chapter 2 v.0.052]

Вы играете за бывшего бойца смешанных единоборств, ставшего в последствии телохранителем. Первым вашим клиентом стал известный телеведущий, а вернее его сексуальная и богатенькая дочь Лекси. Она получила жуткие письма с угрозами и нуждается в вашей защите. Как будут развиваться отношения, сможете ли вы ее защитить узнаете по мере прохождения эротического симулятора Lexi.