Lewd Story [v.0.149a]

Lewd Story – sex game from Horny Monster. After mysterious incident in your hometown, you move to a nearby city to study at a university. You will have to live with your childhood friend. You are bound by a common secret, and you don’t know how it will affect your relationship with her. You also have a lot of opportunities to build relationships with the girls around you. You’ve got a fateful week ahead of you, the result is in your hands, and with the right decisions between your legs.

Haley’s Story [v.1.1 completed]

Haley’s Story – you were excited at first, when you and your sister Haley found entry jobs at the same company and living together will certainly reduce the cost of moving to the city . She’s your twin, and only two hours older than you and to her, that’s enough to always break your balls but she’s always been there for you. So, how much can you really complain.

Cure My Addiction [Completed]

One day my parents found out that I was spending a little too much time watching porn. They considered this a serious problem and decided to do something about it. Let’s not mince words, it was an addiction in their minds. Finally, they came to the conclusion that I needed a change of scenery and made me leave the house! I was sent alone on Uncle’s yacht without a phone, TV or even a computer. This was their plan to “Cure My Addiction”. I wasn’t sure what to make of the situation at first. But soon I discovered that only women were on board!

Private Cases [v.0.2.01]

Private Cases – this first novel is the prequel to a more importante story, it take place in a contemporan world, you’ll follow the life of an ancient inspector who just went out from jail. His story begin when, one evening, a young woman knock at his door. It’s up to you to choose what will be their relation, while you continue her formation to become an inspector. After a prologue, that shows you Hawk’s origin and the principals characters, each episode lead Hawk and his protege to a new case. Each case have multiple ending and your choices will influence the episode and/or the general story and the relation between Hawk and all other characters.

Sanguine Rose [Completed]

Sanguine Rose is an erotic visual novel set in a fantasy medieval world, developed by the artist Duski and the programmer Hallows. You play as Roman, a mercenary tasked with the capture and delivery of the enemy’s High General, a woman named Carmen Valentine.

Picture Perfect [v.1.0]

In the game Picture Perfect photographer lives with three young women – 18 year-old, Miracle who is so shy and introverted she won’t leave the house without him, 20 year-old, Sasha who dreams of starring on Broadway, and 22 year-old, Paris who dropped out of college to mooch off him once more. Ever since the girls’ mother abandoned them several years ago, our middle-aged MC has had a tough time managing everything, to say the least. He’s in danger of losing the house, though he keeps it a secret from the trio of girls.

Threads of Destiny [v.0.2.4]

События игры Threads of Destiny разворачиваются в совершенно новом, но уже детально продуманном мире, в котором не всё так просто, как кажется на первый взгляд. Нити судьбы тянутся из прошлого в будущее и сплетают всё вокруг в замысловатый узор, подхватывая наших героев и вовлекая их в жестокий мир борьбы за свои жизни и будущее. Главных героев ожидают приключения, сражения, развитие экономики личных владений, новые знакомства и множество разных пикантных ситуаций…

Mystery Of Magic [v.0.1.8p]

This game Mystery Of Magic takes place in the parallel universe. So it might be slightly different from the canonical one. Professor Albus Dumbledore was killed by The Dark Lord. The Ministry of Magic forbid all the students of Hogwarts which were not yet 18 years old take classes for this dark period. Severus Snape was put into Director’s role.

Непристойные Желания [v.015 patched]

Сосредоточившись на отделении университета, у нашего героя нет выбора, кроме как уехать в другой город. Его мать приказала ему переехать к своей старой подруге Саре, поскольку ему не хватает денег. Леди Сара Монро является деканом в университете, где наш герой собирается учиться. Поскольку у нее очень большой дом, Сара арендовала две комнаты для Кейт и Моник, двух молодых дам. Кейт собирается учиться в том же университете с нашим героем, а Моник планирует стать врачом…

Птички в клетке [v.0.9.4 patched]

Главный герой игры “Птички в клетке” возвращается домой после года отсутствия, это был последний год в колледже, вам нужно найти работу. Дома вы замечаете, что некоторые вещи сильно изменились… Перед вами встанет выбор, каким образом строить свои отношения с окружающими, начать нежную историю любви или быть мудаком, который берет от жизни все, что он хочет…